As a club we continue to plan for the new season ahead. The new fixture list for season 2020/21 gives us the opportunity to test ourselves right from the kick-off and this is a challenge the team is looking forward to. Our new signings have settled into training with the team and our testing process is now established. We continue to have no adverse cases affecting any of the squad. Check out the footage of the team in training.
Season ticket sales continue to grow and over 2400 have already been sold. This shows magnificent levels of support from you, the fans, and we are always grateful for your commitment to the club. We confirmed previously that season ticket holders will be able to watch all home games online as part of their season ticket package whilst we have games held behind closed doors or socially distanced. This will be accessed through our new St Mirren TV platform. The club will be contacting season ticket holders in the next few weeks to ensure accurate information is held to allow this to take place as seamlessly as possible.
The new kit is nearly here. The supply chain has been significantly slowed down by the ongoing pandemic, however we anticipate having these in the post w/c 20th July . Thank you all for your patience, we are very nearly there!
We are slowly reintroducing staff back into the stadium in preparation for the new season in a safe and controlled manner. One of the additional benefits of this is that it will allow us to make faster progress in issuing the individual numbers to everyone as part of the Be in that Number Campaign. We have currently issued over 1800 and will be working hard over the next week or so to issue the rest of the numbers.
Check out our sites:
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
Street Stuff update
Throughout this pandemic Street Stuff have been providing the following support to the community.
Supporting Key Workers
Supporting Renfrewshire Council in the delivery of sports and various activities including educational support within schools for the children of key workers throughout the duration of the pandemic.
Community Engagement including…
- Moving Street Stuff core outdoor activities to online activities in the evenings with young people and parents who have been engaged within their own homes.
- Youth link Scotland course – Education on how to use House party and What’s app safely
- Youth link Scotland – Covid-19 information workshops
- Planning and delivery of online dangers of Gambling course
- Planning and delivery of online No Knives Better Lives course
- Online weekly gaming tournaments, Fortnite, FIFA, etc.
- Colouring competitions both online and in schools
- Competitions and gaming tournaments provided young people with the opportunity to win prizes.
Staff Development
- Weekly staff meetings via ZOOM to support health and wellbeing during the pandemic.
- Scottish FA coach Education courses – Online
- Scottish FA coach Education Child wellbeing – online
- Digital youth work training courses
During the Covid-19 Pandemic Street Stuff coaches have continued to be flexible and work with various partners and young people. A huge thank you to all the staff for their continued support and outstanding efforts during this difficult time.
This has been a difficult and challenging time for all, here's hoping all our Street Stuff family are back together on the Streets in the heart of our communities sometime soon.
Street Stuff Social Media
Facebook page: StreetStuff
Twitter: @SMFCStreetStuff
Instagram: @smfcstreetstuff
YouTube: streetstuff1877
Tik Tok: @streetstuff_1877
Supporters can still get in touch with the club via email.
General Enquiries –
Ticket Office –
Club Shop -
Commercial Department -
Supporters Liaison Officers -
St Mirren Charitable Foundation
We are delighted to announce that our Online Summer Camp is now full. We have closed off applications and the first batch of Buddie Boxes will be delivered to week one participants over the weekend. Huge thanks to our Funding and referral partners Linstone Housing for their vision and unwavering support.
Over the course of the past three months we have been extremely fortunate and have received great support from our team, the club, the fans, and our community partners, in particular Star Project. We have also received essential financial support from the following funding partners: The Robertson Trust, Foundation Scotland, Scottish Government Wellbeing Fund, Corra Foundation, Persimmon Homes, National Lottery Community Fund, SPFL Trust and Henderson Properties. Thank you all. We value these partnerships and your assistance during this challenging time has been invaluable.
Instagram – smfc_charitablefoundation
Twitter - @SMFC_CF
Facebook – St Mirren FC Charitable Foundation
Contact -
And finally
With the continued progress towards the return to normality in most of our personal lives and in football we felt it was an appropriate time to make this the last specific Covid-19 update.
As a football club we would not survive without our supporters and never has this been more transparent than over the last 17 weeks.
Because of your support over the last four years and beyond the club continues to be in a solid financial position to get through this crisis and come out the other end even stronger.
Because of your support in buying new season tickets and not asking for refunds on last years, in continuing to pay 1877 club memberships, in pre-ordering our new strip and with the continued support from our commercial sponsors we have had the confidence to start to sign players who will help continue our progress on the pitch and achieve our aim to compete at an even higher level this season. We have also been able to continue our pursuit of Elite level academy status at a time when many clubs have had to consider the future of their own academies.
Because of your support of the St Mirren Charitable Foundation throughout this crisis they were able to provide much needed aid to people in need as well as supporting local residents and charities.
Because of all those SMiSA members who have continued to pay their subscriptions during this time of immense hardship we remain on track to become fan owned in 2021.
Because of all these things, on behalf of The St Mirren Football Club, we humbly thank you all.