Loan Watch: 04/09/2023

Loan Watch: 04/09/2023

We have a number of our players out on loan. Here's a look at how some of them got on at the weekend. 

Kieran Offord played the full 90 minutes for Edinburgh City in cinch League One on Saturday. However, the Citizens were beaten 2-0 by league leaders Falkirk at Meadowbank. 

Fraser Taylor got another full 90 minutes under his belt, though it was defeat for Ballymena as they fell to a 1-0 loss away to Glenavon in the NIFL Premiership. Luke Kenny was an unused substitute as Cliftonville were also defeated 1-0 by Glentoran. 

Aiden Gilmartin returned from injury and scored in East Kilbride's 9-0 win against Edinburgh University in the Lowland League. The forward came off the bench and rounded off the scoring with the ninth goal. 

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