Unacceptable Conduct at the Paisley 2021 Stadium

Unacceptable Conduct at the Paisley 2021 Stadium

As a Club we are of the opinion that every fan deserves the right to enjoy their football without listening to constant torrents of abuse being hurled at the players, officials and other supporters.

We appreciate that we all have our moments and our intention is not to punish every misdemeanour. However, there are people who spend the entire match shouting abuse and spoiling the enjoyment of those around them. 

The atmosphere created by our fans around the stadium on match days just now is exceptional and we want to continue and encourage that trend. 

We have made a decision to clamp down on people who behave in this unacceptable manner and over the next few matches we will be warning and, if necessary, removing the culprits. 

Your assistance in making this a redundant task would be much appreciated. 

The SPFL guidelines are as follows:

Under SPFL rules in respect of Ground Safety, Behaviour at Matches and Damage to Stadia, each club must ensure that its players, officials, supporters and any other persons connected with the club do not engage in unacceptable conduct at a stadium on the occasion of an official match.

Unacceptable conduct covers conduct that is violent and/or disorderly. This includes, but is not limited to: actual, attempted or threatened physical violence against a person or persons, intentional damage to property, using threatening, abusive or insulting words or conduct, displaying writing or any other things which is deemed threatening, abusive or insulting. 

The Club have a duty fulfil these rules or face sanctions from the SPFL such as a fine or points deduction. 

St Mirren F.C. accepts its responsibility under these rules and will not tolerate any form of unacceptable conduct as detailed above. Any supporter who engages in such activity will be liable for sanctions imposed by the Club which may include withdrawal of season tickets, exclusion from future matches involving the Club or, in the event of persistent offending, an application being made towards a football banning order. 

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