Kilbarchan Primary School visit

Kilbarchan Primary School visit

Thierry Small and James Bolton visited Kilbarchan Primary School last week as part of our ongoing community schools programme.

The pair answered questions from pupils at all year groups before meeting the boys' & girls’ school football teams as well as handing out tickets to last weekend's 4-0 win over St Johnstone. 

Pupils were also treated to a day of coaching from our Street Stuff coaches and we are happy to say we received great feedback from some of the pupils.

Luis (P7): "Having St Mirren in school was amazing! They shared lots of good information about football with us. I really enjoyed the training session with the coach."

Jack (P7/6): "I liked working with the coach. He was really good fun and taught us lots of new skills. The skill drills were good, and I learned lots of new skills."

Tristen (P7/6): I loved meeting the players and I even got their autograph, and the coach taught me new skills. Thank you!"

Grace (P7): "The sessions were very well planned and were a great opportunity for us to learn new football skills.  We played mini games which were great fun! I was very inspired by the coach and the players. We were really lucky to meet the players!"

Bonnie (P4): "I really liked seeing the players and it was good for people who have never seen footballers before!  I liked playing football with the coach, the best part was when we were dribbling the ball to music! We even got to do the Macarena it the end - it was great fun!"

Marnie (P6): "Our class warmed up by playing musical statues with the coach, which was good fun. I tried to jump with the ball in between my feet and get it in the target, I managed it and was proud of myself!"

School engagement forms a key part of our newly launched club strategy.

This promotes our commitment to our local community whilst creating opportunities to engage new fans who may not have previously shown an interest in football, or who may have supported another team. We want to encourage a new generation of fans, to bring more young people into the stadium. By involving ourselves at a primary level, this gives us the best opportunity to introduce new fans who will come along with their parents.

James Bolton and Thierry Small got pictures with the Kilbarchan Primary School boys' and girls' football teams. The boys had just returned from a local tournament. 

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